
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Train Shots by Vanessa Blakeslee

  My thoughts are extremely conflicted when it comes to this series of short stories. Naturally, I love short stories. They always seem to get the point across and leave a huge impression on their readers without becoming dry and dull.
  So, with that being said, I picked up Vanessa Blakeslee's Train Shots with interest.
  Each story caught my attention, and each kept me intrigued enough to read on. Even now, a few weeks after I've finished the book, I find myself thinking back to Ms Blakeslee's stories.
  "What book did I read where (insert plot here)? Oh, that's right! It was Train Shots."
  As I said before, each story caught my attention, but as I read on, they didn't quite feel finished. In fact, this actually may be a rare occasion where each story should have been longer. Long enough to exceed the limit of a short story word count.
  I thought about trying to summarize Train Shots' stories into a specific genre, or trying to explain a theme to the book, but I honestly can't. Each tale is different from the next.
  I wouldn't say I was absolutely head-over-heels crazy about these stories (which may be the opposite for you, if you pick up Train Shots), but I would say they left a decent-sized impression on me.
  Each story's ending had a powerful message of different sorts, but I have to say, some missed the mark for me. I didn't feel completely satisfied when I was done.
  There were some stories that really caught my attention and had me clicking the next page for more, but it always ended the same way. I felt almost incomplete. I wanted a more satisfying ending for my favorite stories, and I personally didn't get that.
  That doesn't mean that everyone will feel the same way. 90% of the population may pick up Train Shots and LOVE it, which I think Vanessa Blakeslee deserves. I didn't fall head-over-heels in love with it, but I did enjoy my time with her stories and characters.

Book                                ebook

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